Friday, October 8, 2010

Holy cow! This is something you NEED to see!!!

While reading Positively Splendid today, I saw her post linked to our site, I cool, geez that's really nice. We should send her a gift (Amy, send us your addy) :o)

Then I saw THIS. For all of you that fret and worry about rolled hems, Amy found the perfect solution that Lorene shared with her. Finally, a rolled hem without a serger, and it looks like a real rolled hem! No longer do you have to burn your fingers turning 1/4" hems. If your machine can do a zig zag stitch then you're in business ladies! Rolled hems are the "bee's knee's", they are fast, simple and beautiful. So go check it out and put that foot on your Christmas list! We love tips and tricks, if you ever have any, do share! We'd love to feature it :o)

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow - thank you so much for the shout out and link to my site! I am simply giddy!


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